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Bloomberg anti-gun columnist Sir Max Hastings missing the point entirely on his recent anti-gun article. IMG NRA-ILA.
U.S.A. -( Bloomberg columnist Sir Max Hastings shares his thoughts on guns, crime, and the differences between his native Britain and the United States in
Having a father who had brought home keepsake firearms from the Second World War, he claims he became “exceptionally proficient” at taking apart and reassembling guns as a child. This glimpse into his background is provided to preempt the “common response of American enthusiasts to the rest of the world’s horror: ‘Foreigners don’t understand guns.’” That isn’t quite the point. Foreigners – regardless of how well they may handle guns – don’t always understand Americans.
Another AntiGun Englishman Denounces Your 2A Rights & the Second Amendment Foundation Ammoland Inc. Posted on
Max Hastings I Grew Up on Guns Fail
USA – -( Sir Max Hugh Macdonald Hastings is one of the preeminent British journalists and military historians. As a foreign correspondent for the BBC, he covered 11 wars and reported from more than 60 countries.
In 1982, Hastings was the first reporter to enter Port Stanley, after the British military kicked out the Argentinians and liberated the Falkland Islands.
Hastings was knighted in 2002 for his “services to journalism.”
He has written more than 25 books – mostly about military history. I have a couple on my bookshelf. They’re very good. I highly recommend Yoni: Hero of Entebbe: Life of Yonathan Netanyahu (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980). It’s a great read.