rich edson is at the white house with the latest. he did not make the trip but can he report on it. no trip for me but we will see where the day goes. he spent his weekend in philadelphia. he made his first major campaign rally of the campaign cycle. he announced major union endorsements in filly. today biden s first stop in california takes him to a nature preserve in palo alto where a white house official says he will tour a coastal wet land and announce more than $600 million in projects to help the u.s. expand more extreme weather from climate change. campaign money in silicon valley. gavin newsom will reportedly be at one of these events this evening. also in california today, florida governor and presidential candidate ron desantis who hab eggs on newsom to challenge biden for the democratic nomination. stop pussy footing around. are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge joe? are you going to get in and do it or are you just going to sit on the sidel
suicide rates 19 times higher than population notched controls. pursuant blockers followed by cross sex hormones the fact they are being offered outside of clinical trials and despite the fact known long-term risk is a scandal. will: now the film s producer say amc theaters abruptly canceled all screenings of the documentary caving to the demands of a trans rights group. amc theaters declining to comment on the record about their decision to pull the release. our next guest tells her story in the film, laura becker de-transitioned after undergoing surgery more than five years ago. she joins us now. thanks for being on the program this morning. you tell your story in this documentary. tell us at the outset why it s so important for you not just to share the story but for others to hear it. this documentary ensuring stories like mine of