delusion. that went on for years. he can rhyme. it was a probably agitated, particularly alarming display from donald trump as the impeachment inquiry closes in. former cia director john brennan reacted to trump s press conference on twitter like this. press conference with finnish president shows donald trump is a national disgrace, who deserves impeachment, conviction, and ouster from office. republicans in congress must abandon them now if they care about our country and have any hope of sallaging a political future for the gop. now msnbc senior national security analyst john brennan. what did you see when you watched that press conference? i saw a trfbesty. i saw a national embarrassment. i don t see how anybody could defend his performance at that press conference. i think the finnish president, just like a lot of other visitors at the white house comport themselves very professionally and responsibly. donald trump time after time
point if it gets worse. look at the corruption at the top of the fbi, it s a disgrace. our justice department which i try to stay away from, but at some. point, i won t. what s happening is a disgrace. and at some point, i wanted to stay out, but at some point if it doesn t straighten out properly, i want them to do their job, i will get involved and get in if there if i have to. how many ways can you spell obstruction? president trump has been hinting that he ll take control of the justice department if he doesn t like what he sees. now his critics belief he s trying to do just that. by installing anti-mueller matthew whitaker atop the justice department. joining the table, former cia director, now msnbc senior national security and intelligence analyst, john brennan. what do you make of what we re seeing? i mean, i feel as though you and your former colleagues all but tried to warn us this might be the direction we re heading when this president before he was inaugurated declared w