The drone. The iPhone. Bluetooth. GPS. Before they changed the world, these technologies were schematics on paper. Here are the drawings where the future began.
Black Swan Author Pulls a 180- Nassim Taleb Says Bitcoin s a Failure, at Least for Now
On February 12, the well known Lebanese-American essayist and risk analyst, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, declared that the leading digital currency bitcoin is a failure, at least for now. Cryptocurrency fans have been upset by Taleb’s recent statements, after it seems the renowned author has done a complete 180 after supporting the crypto asset for years.
Nassim Taleb Is Not Impressed With Bitcoin These Days
Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a very popular author, mathematical statistician, and scholar. Over the years, Taleb has been very critical of today’s monetary system, the current finance industry, and the most recent financial crises. The philosopher is best known for his books “The Black Swan” (2010) and “Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder” (2012).