justice by lying to federal agents about it. paula reid has all of the details from washington. what is the significant of this? why did they wait? good morning. we learned that he was talking to prosecutors as far back as 2019 and a year later prosecutors believed they had enough evidence to charge him but the case didn t move forward. we learned that the u.s. attorney richard donahue who is overseeing brooklyn at that time, he didn t support the case. and what is not clear, at this point, is whether the case didn t proceed because he intentionally stalled or it the prosecutors didn t want to push forward because they knew they didn t have the support of their boss. now donahue s boss then kbill barr was not a big fan of the foreign lobbying cases. they were difficult for the justice department. mr. donahue has not responded to our request for comment. poppy, another issue some people have brought up is asking whether this case wasn t because