Of those looking to buy a second home, 23 percent say the pandemic has influenced where they want to buy and 22 percent say it has delayed their purchase plans.
By Letters to the Editor Send us your views on the week s news
Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, said the travel list review was a safety approach SIR: Unfortunately, I agree with every word of Chris Gillham’s letter (Chronicle, June 17). Our Lord of Misrule, our very own sub-Trump, pervades the UK’s democratic politics, sowing seeds of distrust everywhere. Of course he hasn’t been helped by the pandemic, which has magnified his natural inclination to dither leaving difficult decisions to others, while he basks in his glorious role as PM. We are all infected by this mental disease spreading from the top: his ministers, the four countries in the Union, the opposition, the Lib Dems (think Eastleigh), local government and us the electorate.