Editor’s Page: Gathering For Dinner Has Never Meant So Much For Us and Hawai‘i’s Restaurants
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y family takes food seriously. Olympic judging seriously. When we were testing manju recipes for my sister’s wedding, my grandma handed out scorecards with multiple lines of criteria to be filled out, anonymously of course. We take notes during every Chinese takeout dinner: which dishes quickly disappeared, which we ordered too much of and which weren’t as good since the restaurant switched chefs. Planning staycations at rented beach houses usually begins with Excel spreadsheets detailing every meal down to who will bring each ingredient (and how many dishes it will be used for), tools needed and even when the leftovers will be served. The first time my husband, then boyfriend, watched my sisters and me divvy up the extra food after a get-together, the well-organized effort every family goes home with a full 9-by-13-inch foil pan impressed him so much that