we ve been speaking to the various protesters about why they are here. we talked to one person from boston who gave us this explanation. so, several of us are here at the boston teachers union or other educational related groups. and so for me, i see this is partially a childhood issue and i do not think it is acceptable in a way, shape, form that our tax dollars should be going to bombing other people s children when our children here are in such need. outsider for similar rally on november 4 on a milder day it is chillier today but still a very large crowd. very passionate and wanting to make a statement to the people here in washington who are in power. arthel: senior correspondent mike emanuel, thank you. eric: at navy officer who was convicted in japan for killing two people in a car crash, he is back home with his family.
The counsel for the parents argued that the sealed envelopes were for the sake of the privacy of the students so that the minors are not a part of court records.
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