for me as a soldier. yeah, so you i mean, let s not beat around the bush. you basically were committed to the defence of a deeply repressive, authoritarian system. and now, here you sit in the presidential office advocating more arms, more weaponry for president zelensky and kyiv in theirfight against an authoritarian, repressive regime. that is quite a u turn, is it not? no, i don t see it that way. i see it as a slow transition because, in the 80s, i was slowly learning that what the system was teaching us for years is not that correct, that there are things that were either omitted or distorted, or direct lies, and the level of frustration was growing. and it ended up by november 1989, which was not the end of the world that i lived in it was rather relief that
Auf einer geplanten Demo in Düsseldorf dürfen Teilnehmende auch große Banner und Transparente tragen. Das hat ein Gericht in NRW entschieden. Nur eine Gruppe ist von der Regelung ausgenommen.
Heute vor 60 Jahren hat die DDR mit dem Bau der Berliner Mauer begonnen. Bundespräsident Steinmeier wählte in seiner Gedenkrede auch mahnende Worte. Die Demokratie müsse immer aufs Neue verteidigt werden.