drew up in the search warrant affidavit based on his phone pinging cell towers starting at 4:48 a.m. november 14: dana, really this doesn t change things except the police have always said he turned his phone off and disabled it at the time of the murders and then turned it back on in the hours or so afterwards. back to you. dana: thank you for that. didn t expect that this morning. we ll check it out. before we go an amazing sight in iceland. natural beauty in this time lapsed video. the northern lights glowing over an active volcano sending up clouds of ash and smoke as lava flows along the ground in southeastern iceland. bill: quite a sight. see it on fox nation. dana: harris faulkner is next. harris: a fox news alert and nation s 45th president in court
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will host a live Cafecito and tele-town hall on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 6 to 7 p.m., to discuss diabetes prevention, management and support available for Hispanic/Latino communities across North Carolina
Click to expand Image Clearance operator from DCA clearing an area suspected of being contaminated by explosive remnants of war in Pajok, South Sudan in February 2023. 2023 Rasmus Emil Gravesen/DCA Russia, Myanmar, and Ukraine have used antipersonnel landmines in the past year, and armed groups used them in at least five countries, according to the annual report Landmine Monitor 2023. Antipersonnel mines are victim-activated explosive devices that kill and maim people both during and long after conflicts. Countries that have yet to prohibit antipersonnel landmines should reconsider their position and join the international treaty banning them. (Geneva, November 14, 2023) -Russia, Myanmar, and Ukraine have used antipersonnel landmines in the past year, and armed groups used them in at least five countries, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing Landmine Monitor 2023, the annual report about the international treaty to ban landmines. The 120-page Landmine Monitor 2023is the product