As Leader Of The Labour Party which is entitled to. This is probably a clerical error. How much does he get . £40,000, and that should be declared. No one is suggesting he is dodging anything, but this is a political case of shooting yourself in the foot. It was a stunt too embarrassed the government but instead it has embarrassed him. People Sayjeremy Corbyn is always attacked by the media, and maybe they have a good point, but when they have a good point, but when they said that he has not declared his own income properly in this tax return, that is outrageous. It is notjust a piece of paper where he has missed something off, this is his actual tax return. 0h right, has missed something off, this is his actualtax return. 0h right, we get into trouble if we do that. Exactly. He has been taxed at source for that money and he did take it, but he did not put that on his declaration. That is an oversight, but someone should have checked his tax return before it went out. There has been i
As Leader Of The Labour Party which is entitled to. This is probably a clerical error. How much does he get . £40,000, and that should be declared. No one is suggesting he is dodging anything, but this is a political case of shooting yourself in the foot. It was a stunt too embarrassed the government but instead it has embarrassed him. People Sayjeremy Corbyn is always attacked by the media, and maybe they have a good point, but when they have a good point, but when they said that he has not declared his own income properly in this tax return, that is outrageous. It is notjust a piece of paper where he has missed something off, this is his actual tax return. 0h right, has missed something off, this is his actualtax return. 0h right, we get into trouble if we do that. Exactly. He has been taxed at source for that money and he did take it, but he did not put that on his declaration. That is an oversight, but someone should have checked his tax return before it went out. There has been i
A tribute to Twentieth Century artists. Old needs new exploring the Northern Germany city loopback. Paris meets her living room to sample french cuisine in the german capital. We get off the show with an unusual trend that seems to be developing in some circles playing with slime now this past time was popular when i was a kid but now with the internet slime videos are making it even more popular across the globe and while it might feel gooey in your hand slime actually has a calming even meditative quality about it but dont just take my word for it heres more from the world of flying. Concentrate on the hands in this video and the sounds they make. And what do
relaxing i mean i thought when ive had a hard day and i come home from school ill sit down at my desk and need something or watch a live stream somehow it relaxes you i honestly cant say why but somehow it makes everything right again. The success of these slime videos may be explained by the phenomenon of and yes m. R. Or Auton
And in our series one hundred german must reads we plunge into. Oppressive tale of seemingly random injustice and impenetrable authority the trial. In two thousand and five germany was shocked by the murder of twenty three year old. A Young Turkish Kurdish Woman who had dared to leave a forced marriage and defy her strict muslim family while she was shot point blank in on the street by her youngest brother a socalled on or killing german director sherry harmans new film a regular woman tells the story a new and gives the victim back her voice. And. And a regular woman is a true story i know grew up in the Berlin District Court spoke but was sent to
turkey to marry a cousin in a forced marriage after fleeing the abusive marriage and returning to germany she begins to assert her independence. And they want to leave her. For me i know is a kind of joan of arc of the berlin backyard. The because she was brought up in a strict religious family we dont need to say a strict muslim family we c
And in our series one hundred german must reads we plunge into. Oppressive tale of seemingly random injustice and impenetrable authority the trial. Well in two thousand and five germany was shocked by the murder of twenty three year old how to shoot a young turkish kurdish woman who had dared to leave a forced marriage and defy her strict muslim family while she was shot point blank in on the street by her youngest brother a socalled on or killing german director sherry harmans new film a regular woman tells the story a new and gives the victim back her voice. Thousand and five. And the regular woman is a true story i know grew up in the Berlin District Court spoke but was sent to
marry a cousin in a forced marriage after fleeing the abusive marriage and returning to germany she begins to assert independence. Day easy. For me i know its a kind of joan of arc of the berlin backyard. The because she was brought up in a strict religious family we dont need to say a strict muslim family we