LOS ANGELES When Deanna Mirabal was released from prison seven months ago, after 38 years of being locked up, anxiety overtook her instead of happiness.
Women exiting California's prison system without access to adequate food can spiral into poverty and recidivism. Activists and lawmakers are pushing for more generous benefits and less red tape
Women exiting California's prison system without access to adequate food can spiral into poverty and recidivism. Activists and lawmakers are pushing for more generous benefits and less red tape
Women exiting California's prison system without access to adequate food can spiral into poverty and recidivism. Activists and lawmakers are pushing for more generous benefits and less red tape
Three weeks into state Senate Republicans walkout from the Oregon Legislature, concern is growing the move could sink action on important issues such as addressing hunger in the state. Susannah Morgan, CEO of Oregon Food Bank, said rates of hunger are still above pre-pandemic levels, and it is anticipated the food assistance system in the state will serve more than a million people this year. "This is a crisis that so many of us need help feeding our families," Morgan pointed out. " .