own career, of his own love, which of course was music and film. larry: how so, victim, meaning? well, he grew up in it. he was a product of the business. and that was his only way of life. he loved it. he, you know, traveled all over before he was even discovered by colonel parker. larry: the book is now out in audiotape. useful stories from a persuasive man. you ll see why. ou kay. all right. we re at the hotel. he has a cowboy hat on and a cigar and takes me up to his room and we sit down and make a deal. i didn t know how to make a concert deal. i didn t know anything about concerts. larry: how were you making a living? i did some shows at the brooklyn paramount and i did some shows here, little shows here and there. i did some stuff at that time with the four seasons who were just starting and jane and joey bishop and johnny carson. larry: small town guy though. yeah.