of white privilege, ignoring y a congressional subpoena. what are you afraid of? you have no. the hunter biden smash and grab on capitol hill. i m going to take all the journalists. i m check all thl the folks whe all around and disappear. donald trump is the end of democracy as we know. principles was all he s the antichrist. g to. gachrist. is going to murder the . and it s only januar.y and you can get that god. i just went back to remote? learning kids. migrants need to sleep at your schools. plus, i don t work my tail end off. we think all of my life working, ,drugs and rock and roll. you know what it means. it s a lifestyle. hat led zeppelin drummer john bonham got kicked out of the chateau marmont fort ri riding his harley up and down the halls. billy idodil trashed a thai hotel so badly they had to bring in the army hol. keith richards snorted his dad s ashes afterwards, said it went down pretty well. and i m still alive. ozzy osborne snorted a line of
issues are designed to do, to admire him and himself and distract from the issues which he wins on by double digits on nearly every singlein issue. he wins on the issues, and he wins when he makes ithe about the american people. you re exactly right. yes. so earlierican today, chris christie drops out of the republican primary, but at some point he was caught on a hot mic. kayleigh, listen, i mean, look, she spent 68 million so far. she s on tv, spent 16 million so far, 59 million by desantis. band he s for 12. yeah, i mean, who s punching above their weight and who s 12r getting a return on their investment, you know, and she s going to get smoke herd and you and i both know and she s out. this.s is so is christie goig to endorse who now? i mean, that s the question, because yesterday chris christie , i m noty che dropping out after chris sununu insinuated sai that he was