In utter astonishment mixed with ecstasy, the 3-member NSMQ team of Goka Senior High and Technical School booked a slot in the national championship to make their first appearance.
The much-anticipated grand finale of the competitive high school cooking contest has finally come to an end. Four different schools with different claims to fame clashed at the finals of the 2023 Onga Cook Art held at Labone Senior High School. Notre Dame Girls’ SHS’ dream to be crowned winners of the prestigious culinary skills […]
Sunyani-based girls’ school, Notre Dame Girls' SHS has defeated Wesley Girls' High School, Tamale SHS, Jamiat Islamic Girls' SHS, and Keta SHS to book a slot at the grand finale of the 2023 Onga Cook Art national championship.
Japanese descendant Estelita Michiko Sakai-Roales is recognized for her years of work to improve the welfare of her fellow Nikkeijin in Mindanao, helping them trace their roots and find their relatives