John Clark: Sometime back, I posted a blog with ten story starts and invited readers to tell me which they thought would make good writing projects. Oddly enough, two of them turned into complete books last year, albeit unpublished as of today. I thought I would try it again to see what in might become…
DEBORA ROBERTSON: We live in a world where the old rules no longer count. Very few still care if you use fish knives or whether you say napkin or serviette, sofa or couch, loo or toilet.
The 5ft9in Swedish-born beauty took to Instagram to share a carousel of photos where she was on a rocky beach with waves crashing all around her. She designed the line.
Carl Pei, the CEO and Co-Founder of Nothing interacted with the twitter user and replied to almost every question related to Apple, Android, smartphone culture and his life aswell. Here we bring to you a list of best questions which got answered by Carl, during his flight to Toronto.