The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that Rs 2000 banknotes will be withdrawn from circulation as part of its \"Clean Note Policy\", but will remain legal tender. Banks have been advised to stop issuing the notes, and individuals can exchange them for other denominations at bank branches until September 30, 2023. The exchange of Rs 2000 banknotes will be capped at Rs 20,000 at a time starting from May 23, 2023. The initiative aims to streamline currency circulation and promote other denominations., Economy News, Times Now
Rs 2000 Note News: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday announced withdrawal of Rs 2,000 currency notes from circulation but gave public time till September 30 to either deposit such notes in accounts or exchange them at banks. However, the Rs 2,000 notes will continue to be a legal tender till September 30., Personal Finance News, Times Now