saying that russians were behind both the hacking of the dnc e-mails and their release. keep in mind as you watch this, it was six weeks after the trump tower meeting, after trump jr. had been told russia wanted to help his father win. it just goes to show you their exact moral compass. they ll say anything to be able to win this. this is time and time again, lie after lie. it s disgusting. it s so phony. journalists began questioning everything they heard. you are 100% confident that no one in the campaign, not don jr., not jared kushner, not paul manafort, no one in the campaign told the president about what happened? i don t know how that s coming into the picture. the president of not at the meeting, was not aware at the meeting, did not participate in the meeting. the fact is the president of not
both the hacking of the dnc e-mails and their release. keep in mind as you watch this, it was six weeks after the trump tower meeting, after trump jr. had been told russia wanted to help his father win. it just goes to show you their exact moral compass. they ll say anything to be able to win this. this is time and time again, lie after lie. it s disgusting. it s so phony. journalists began questioning everything they heard. you are 100% confident that no one in the campaign, not don jr., not jared kushner, not paul manafort, no one in the campaign told the president about what happened? i don t know how that s coming into the picture. the president of not at the meeting, was not aware at the meeting, did not participate in the meeting. the fact is the president of not involved. there s a legal side and a political side.
they ll say anything to be able to win this. this is time and time again, lie of lie. it s disgusting. it s so phony. journalists began questioning everything they heard. you re 100% confident that no one in the campaign, not don jr., not jared kushner, not paul manafort, no one in the campaign told the president anything about these e-mails, anything about this meeting before it happened and he will testify under oath? no one s asked him to testify under oath on this, so i don t know how that s coming into the picture. the president was not at the meeting, was not aware of the meeting, did not participate in the meeting. the fact was the president wasn t involved. there s a political side which is you re out there and you re saying constantly there was no effort to collude with the russians in any way, shape or form and suddenly you have your son, your campaign manager and your senior adviser all in a
to win this. this is time and time again, lie after lie. it s disgusting. it s so phony. journalists began questioning everything they heard. you are 100% confident that no one in the campaign, not don jr., not jared kushner, not paul manafort, no one in the campaign told the president about what happened? no one asked them to testify under oath about this. the president was not aware of the meeting, did not participate in the meeting. the president wasn t involved. there s a legal side and a political side. you re out there saying constantly there was no effort to collude with the russians in any way, shape or form. suddenly you have your son, your campaign manager and your senior adviser all in a meeting with russians who have promised to
paul manafort, not don jr. the two words bannon did not use in that statement were i m sorry. michael wolf is the author of fire and fury, inside the trump white house. it s good to see you congratulations on the book. the other thing steve didn t say is that he regularly calls don jr. frayed doe. he s the source of the fredo nickname. have you spoken to bannon since the boch has been released. let me not say who i ve been speaking to, it s have you been speaking to those inside the white house still? yes, there s people who are still speaking to me, yes. what s the reaction? everybody the president is bouncing off the walls. you know, the president called his lawyers, doing what no president should do and what no president has ever done.