people to get a degree, worked hard and paid a lot of money. they are worried about losing that position. they were afraid to be identified in the reporting i did in this piece. now, these are low risk people who are already vaccinated he had at emerson college requires additional testing twice a week. i talked to one student who had nosebleeds from the frequent test. and they have indoor stay in room policies. and requires double masking, in 95 and requires outdoor masking. georgetown has people policing the library yelling at students if they take down their mask and take a drink of water. the students go outside in the cold to drink water. this is an abuse of power and something students are pushing back on. shannon: the president talked about how we are doing and encouraged to get boosted again. he noticed a spike in cases and many of these cases not calling breakthroughs anymore, but he went on to say this and i want to play little bit of it and get