/PRNewswire/ Hacking for Allies has numerous wins to report as it kicks off its fourth cohort next week. Norwegian participants of the program have raised.
Sonar imagery of Lake Mjøsa in Norway has revealed an unidentified shipwreck. Despite grainy images, experts are deducing quite a lot about its origins.
Russia’s war on Ukraine shows no sign of letting up. Nor does the casualty rate in the Russian military, which by most accounts has lost more men in six months than the Soviet Army did in a decade in Afghanistan. Is that why President Vladimir Putin just ordered a big increase in the armed forces?
Home | News & Events | International partners empower NASA’s mission on Mars NASA’s Perseverance rover is lowered to the Martian surface February 18 to begin its astrobiology research and search for signs of ancient microbial life. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)
NASA’s Perseverance rover is lowered to the Martian surface February 18 to begin its astrobiology research and search for signs of ancient microbial life. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)
By Leigh Hartman
When NASA’s Perseverance rover searches Mars for signs of ancient life it uses technology from partner nations across Europe.
The 2,260-pound (1,025-kilogram) rover is armed with imaging and sensor equipment from France, Italy, Spain and Norway.