Five new cases of coronavirus were reported Friday by the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, bringing the cumulative number of cases in the two counties since the…
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit reported 13 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday.
The number of confirmed cases since the onset of the pandemic now stands at 1,353, with six more cases resolved totalling 1,247.
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Currently there are 63 active cases in Haldimand and Norfolk counties.
In comparison to the previous day’s report, Thursday’s new cases involve four individuals in Dunnville, three in Port Dover, two in Hagersville, and one each in Waterford, Jarvis. The health unit does not identify cases in smaller communities.
One new case in Simcoe is a staff member at Cedarwood Village long-term care home.
The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit reported seven new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday.
There are 56 active cases in the two counties, where a total of 1,340 positive cases have been recorded since the onset of the pandemic.
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An additional four people have recovered from the virus, for a total of 1,241 while the death of 38 people has been attributed to COVID-19.
Five people who had tested positive for the virus died from complications due to other illnesses.
In Norfolk County, the number of confirmed cases is broken down as follows: Simcoe 239; Vittoria 210; Delhi 83; Port Dover 70; Langton 57; Waterford, 47; Courtland, 41; Port Rowan 13; Teeterville, 13; and Wilsonville 7.
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Six new cases of COVID-19 were reported by the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit on Tuesday with no further news of the U.K. variant that was identified in the community recently.
It means there are 53 known active cases of the virus in the community where 1,237 people have had and recovered from the virus since its arrival and 38 have died.
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Try refreshing your browser. Health unit adds 6 cases to COVID count Back to video
Data on the health unit’s website shows the breakdown of cases in Haldimand: Hagersville 141; Dunnville 124; Caledonia 121; Jarvis 49; Cayuga 31;Selkirk 31; and Fisherville 9.
Six new cases of COVID-19 were being reported by the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit on Sunday.
In addition to six new cases reported on Jan. 30, the total number of known cases of the virus in the two counties is 1,321 since the start of the pandemic in March.
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Try refreshing your browser. Six new cases of COVID-19 reported in Haldimand Norfolk Back to video
The number of residents with active cases of COVID-19 dropped from 64 on Saturday to 56 on Sunday, according to the health unit.
Of the total positive cases, 1,222 people are considered recovered. Thirty-eight residents of Haldimand and Norfolk have died of COVID-19.