A Hongkonger May 10, 2021 09:30
“Hong Kong is a city rife with inequalities. Rampant resource inegalitarianism, abhorrently exborbitant housing prices, and – above all – an administration and ruling class that is deeply out of touch with the ordinary people.” We don’t need this op-ed to affirm such nuggets of wisdom – all we need is to turn towards the administration, and its heavy-handed rhetorical emphasis on combating inequality over the recent weeks.
Yet talk is always easier than action – by miles. I don’t doubt that some in the administration possess the conviction and integrity to take on the entrenched problems afflicting Hong Kong today. I also do not question – at least with the benefit of doubt granted to them – the goodwill harboured by many in the Establishment, in addressing the vested interests and embedded kleptocracy that runs amok in the city today. Indeed, I applaud the words and determination of the Central Liaison Office, whose Direct