Northland news in brief: Wallaby curry at field days; and free Te Reo Māori course
26 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
4 minutes to read
Northtec tutor Hughie Blues, left, and NRC biosecurity incursion management officer Curtis Harris, with ingredients for this year s Wallaby curry giveaway at the Northland Field Days.
Northern Advocate
A Massaman-style Wallaby curry with poppadom and pickled cucumber will be this year s free wild food treat to attract visitors to the Northland Regional Council s Northland Field Days marquee. The council has transformed all sorts of pest animals, plants and even insects into edible field days treats over the years and for the past several events has forged a culinary collaboration with NorthTec cookery students. With foraging and the story behind where our food comes from playing a big part in what and where we eat today, working closely with NRC to help promote potential pests here in Northland, is a win-win situation, polytech chef tutor Hughie Blues s