In true transcendental spirit, former president and founder of the Northfield Bird Club Nick Fleck starts every club meeting with a poem. At a gathering in February, he pulled out “Natural Sustenance,” a collection of his own poems that emulate Henry.
Share your eventsin this calendar Publicize your meetings and community events in this free calendar, which comes out on Wednesdays in this space. Deadline: The Monday before. Email to: Nov. 6: Postcard show in Barre.
Share your eventsin this calendar Publicize your meetings and community events in this free calendar, which comes out on Wednesdays in this space. Deadline: The Monday before. Email to: Eat at Wendy’s for Athol.
Calendar: May 26, 2021
Modified: 5/25/2021 1:59:51 PM
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Publicize your meetings and community events in this free calendar, which comes out on Wednesdays in this space. Deadline: The Monday before. Email to:
Today: Bugs for Beginners
TEMPLETON The Ware River Nature Club presents “Bugs for Beginners,” Wednesday, May 26, at 5:30 p.m. at Stone Bridge Pond.
The program will be a hands-on learning experience along with a talk by naturalist, photographer and insect identification master Tom Murray, who will teach participants how to tell an insect from a true bug, spiders, millipedes etc. then explain the basics of taxonomy and all the different families of insects. He’ll also demonstrate how and where to find insects and some methods for observing and photographing these creatures.
Outdoors section
Published: 4/28/2021 9:46:49 AM
One of the highlights of my Monday mornings is reading the “Outdoors” section of the Recorder. I look forward to Bill Danielson’s varied and informative columns and wonderful photographs, and Andy Castillo’s introspective, philosophical notes.
The nature photographs by neighbors are also fun, especially when such rare visitors as sandhill cranes are captured. However, there are sometimes misidentifications of birds in the photos; in the past few weeks for instance a red-bellied woodpecker was wrongly identified as a northern flicker, and this morning, a white-throated sparrow was incorrectly said to be a savannah sparrow.