110 (0%)
Note: Age is calculated on the date of the most recent dose. Someone age 69 at their first dose and 70 at their second will now be counted in the 70-79 group for both doses, resulting in a decrease in the 60-69 first dose number.
All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/health-wellness.
Second Dose Booking Eligibility Moves to 65+ Starting June 2
Second dose age eligibility will be lowered to 65+ beginning Wednesday, June 2, up from the original projected date of June 7. Residents who received their first dose on or before March 22 will also become eligible.
Vaccines Reported An additional 5,304 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 730,952. The 5,304 doses. . .