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Subscriber only The operators of a Richmond Valley sawmill are finally looking to restart operations, almost 18 months after it was destroyed in a devastating bushfire. A development application has been lodged with Richmond Valley Council for the site of the Myrtle Creek sawmill on Myrtle Creek Rd, and it is currently on public exhibition. However it is not for a full-scale sawmill. In documents lodged with the council by Graham Meineke of Lismore-based GM Project Development and Management, it states the DA is for a mobile sawmill that will primarily saw/dock logs for the firewood market . The operators will not use the main shed, which was partially destroyed, along with two saws, in the 2019 bushfires.
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Subscriber only The Bush Fire Danger Period has officially ended early on the Far North Coast due to mild conditions and recent wet weather. NSW Rural Fire Service made the announcement on social media on Monday. Usually the season ends on March 31 annually but because of recent ongoing rainfall, the RFS deemed it safe to close this summer s bushfire warning period. Landholders are being reminded that if they re looking to conduct burn offs on their properties, they are still required to let fire authorities and neighbours know before lighting up.
Premium Content When its comes to dishing out bushfire recovery money, politicians should remain colour blind. Labor shouldn t just see red, Liberals shouldn t just see blue, and Greens should represent every colour under the rainbow, not just green. The Berejiklian Government is rightly having the blowtorch applied to its belly over its handling of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery fund. Every fair-minded person would probably assume this money is dished out fairly on a needs basis. The neediest areas, after the horrendous 2019-20 bushfire season, are pretty obvious for everyone to see. While plenty of infrastructure burnt down and needs to be replaced, there s also still plenty of people living in caravans and tents waiting for money to flow.