In a joint statement, Labour candidate for North East Mayor Kim McGuinness and northern union leaders have condemned Rishi Sunak’s announcement about the scrapping of HS2.
12 Feb 2021, 12:43
Logistics is big business. Across the UK, take-up of industrial and logistics space has exceeded the long-term annual average of 14m sq ft every year bar one over the past 13 years. It has more than doubled the long-term average in four of the past six years. The 2020 figure is yet to be confirmed but could reach 40,000,000 sq ft for the first time.
In the sphere of logistics, the key drivers of this rapid increase in take-up are the relentless rise of ecommerce and the shift from Just in Time to Just in Case logistics. The latter has been exacerbated by Brexit and Covid, both of which raise questions over the desirability and fragility of complex international supply chains.