WATERTOWN — Experts from the Association of Towns of the State of New York will lead an online webinar for newly elected local officials from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec.
ALTMAR — Friends of the Tug Hill Commission gathered recently to celebrate 50 years of “helping local governments and citizens shape the future of the Tug Hill region.”
WESTERN — Nearly 90 local government officials gathered as the Northern Oneida County Council of Governments hosted its annual meeting on Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Woods Valley Ski Area,
The Tug Hill Commission and the Northern Oneida County Council of Governments will provide a workshop to discuss the statutory duties of both town boards and town highway superintendents.
WEST LEYDEN - The New York State Tug Hill Commission will host a historical presentation entitled “A Century Gone By: Revisiting Swancott Mills” from 1-2:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17