You know dungeon 8 has to be the thing about women in games especially Hallman if they ve got any aspirations to catch that man in their game he must be winning must win and so and I had they were locked in the in the dressing room for a couple hours after he was out I would just shut the door. Just told to get told the right to come across a. Very disappointing result for dungeon 8 but just was sure this league is you know everyone the 7 people can play a part from some I don t need to be beaten everybody but everyone else keeps me slipping up and and winning games. You know so it s a great league to be part of you know it s good it s going to go as this is going to go rate down to the last such a couple of weeks of the season I just I just imagine one of those United players about a 6 just getting it out but I ve got NATO. Summit anything you re not going to happen as a race as it stands at 51.7 and then it s interesting it s done do you get 40 Livingston on 46 then very McQueen thi
By tonight. Let s get the latest news now with Lucy white the nuns in charge of the ordeal which ran smile I m children somin learner can have apologized to anyone hearts in their care the heads is broke down in giving evidence to the Scottish child abuse inquiry accepting a series of failings but she questions how there could be such contradictory evidence and could not tell what was the truth i Reporter more I kenna Brown has been following the inquiry sister Ellen Flynn who is head of the Daughters of Charity of some Vincent de Paul in the u.k. And Ireland began crying when asked about allegations of child abuse at smile I m home and learn actually said it went against this is just core values their mission to help people in difficulty she said we ve been torn apart by this these were her children we were supposed to be looking after them the order feels a very very deep sense of regret for any child abused in their care we are deeply deeply sorry a troubled engineering firm which
In the top 3 they ve had an off the kick off bar but of course we have a quality team of ball them our would bring in the early stages of their game against them feel after the b.b.c. News at 3 o clock. On Monday $2.00 to $95.00. 1341 media. B.b.c. Radio one. Thanks to one of the b.b.c. a Foster it s understood a 24 year old man from Northern Ireland has been not dined and killed in a hit and run incident in Liverpool the man was visiting the city with friends when he was struck by a car near the Albert dog just before midnight last night police said the driver sped off while bystanders tried to help the man he was taken to hospital where he later died police have appealed for the driver to contact them g.a.a. Club has responded to claims that a former player was shunned by club members after he told them that he was joining the p.s. An i Pod or have friend who was seriously injured in a dissident republican car bomb in 2010 made the claims in a newspaper interview last weekend in a s