On May 22, Public Broadcasting Service started streaming its new 5-part series Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland. The series is a brilliant, heart-wrenching, often violent account of the struggle for Irish independence through previously unheard personal testimonies and extensive archival footage.
On May 22, Public Broadcasting Service started streaming its new 5-part series Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland. The series is a brilliant, heart-wrenching, often violent account of the struggle for Irish independence through previously unheard personal testimonies and extensive archival footage.
President Joe Biden arrived home Saturday after a weeklong trip to Ireland, a country he also called home, concluding a trip with its usual collection of odd moments, gaffes, family stories, and cheers.
President Biden cleaned up his rugby gaffe on Thursday evening, getting a huge cheer from Irish lawmakers when he finally got the right nickname for the New Zealand rugby team.