TerraCom Limited (ASX:TER – Get Rating) declared a interim dividend on Tuesday, June 6th, MarketIndexAU reports. Investors of record on Monday, June 26th will be paid a dividend of 0.03 per share on Monday, June 26th. This represents a dividend yield of 6.12%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, June 7th. TerraCom Price […]
TerraCom is an Australian-based mining resources company encompassing an impressive portfolio of operating assets and exploration projects within the national coal sectors of Australia and South Africa.
The Jewish Agency’s Women Leading program welcomes a mixture of Jewish, Christian, Druze, Muslim and Bedouin women, who desire to share their culture and religions by having mutual conversations.
As a career officer in the Israeli infantry, there can be no doubt that Herzi Halevi participated in countless attacks on civilians, and has no experience whatsoever in facing an actual army.