Gruff, pugnacious, broad-chested and bearded, with a barrelling gait, he could be mistaken on the newsroom floor for an old merchant mariner, but his bark was far worse than his bite, and concealed a depth of compassion and a keen affinity with the underdog and a passion to right injustice.
UC Merced probes into professor s anti-Semitic tweets
UC Merced School of Engineering Professor Abbas Ghassemi is accused of posting anti-Semitic tweets and images.Courtesy of UC Merced
UC Merced is launching an investigation into whether a professor who maintained a Twitter account rife with anti-Semitic remarks and images broke any of the school rules, and what, if any, consequences the university ought to impose.
Abbas Ghassemi, a teaching professor in the UC Merced School of Engineering, tweeted anti-Semitic posts and posted images found on anti-Semitic conspiracy websites from the now-deactivated account @ProfessorGhass1.
Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz confirmed the account was associated with a university faculty member in an email to the campus community on Tuesday. He said the Twitter account was brought to the university’s attention by the news media.