Toni Bandrowicz
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn is going wild! with wildflowers that is. With the help of the Swampscott Conservancy, church members planted 136 seedlings of native Canada Windflower (Anemone canadensis), Eastern Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), and Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum) in a wooded area on the church’s property.
Suzanne Hale, Conservancy member and native plant enthusiast, assisted in the selection and placement of the plants. Jeannette McGinn and Jim Olivetti, church members, organized the May 1st event, which brought 14 people out, trowels in hand, ready to start planting. With everyone wearing masks and socially distancing, the seedlings were gently transplanted from pot to soil, ready to root and grow in their new woodland home.