HELP WANTED Part time/Full time OPENING IN MARKETING SALES HTF is looking for a person that is self-motivated, willing to learn, has good communication, computer and telephone skills. Please submit your cover letter and resume: Attn: Jeff A., 401 6th Ave. N. Virginia, MN 55792, Northeast Range Comm. Ed. will be holding a Lifeguard
SERVICES Need new cleaning jobs ,Reliable years of experience. Call 2182563838 Volunteers wanted! “Volunteers in Education” (VinE) provides (free) tutoring services to kids mostly in k-6th grade - and mostly in reading or math. We are established in many Iron Range Schools. Volunteer to tutor a child during your hours, your schedule, your choice. Background
The Iron Mosquitos, the Hermantown Talons and the Denfeld Nation Automation have advanced to the competition in Houston. But they need some help to get there.