Notably, according to the White House, tax credits under the Affordable Care Act will be extended through 2025. The White House said experts predict more than 3 million people who would otherwise be uninsured will gain health insurance. According to the White House, here are some of the items included in the reconciliation bill now being debated in Congress:.
Medicaid Expansion Not Always The Best Answer
Northeast Georgian, The (Cornelia, GA)
By Kyle Wingfield
Georgia did not expand its Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act, as everyone knows. Except that, in a manner of speaking, it did.
Since the Affordable Care Act was passed, Georgia has increased its Medicaid rolls by almost the same number of people projected under expansion. Spending on Medicaid, including both state and federal funds, likewise has increased by about the same amount as projected under expansion.
Oddly enough, the many benefits promised if the state expanded the program have not been realized. That mightn t seem so odd to opponents of the idea, some of whose warned negative impacts actually have come to pass.