Nick Southall's detailed history and analysis of the Wollongong Out of Workers' Union in Australia from 1983-1989, an organisation of unemployed workers he took part in which fought for better benefits and also assisted the struggles of employed workers.
The Stork Theatre presents a Homeric marathon in a first for Australia through its presentation of ‘Homer’s Iliad: The Siege of Troy” at Fairfield Theatre on 14 March.
The performance reading from a 15,000-line text recited by 10 starring performers, accompanied by three Japanese drummers for eight hours of gods, heroes and lovers of classical Greece.
‘The Iliad’ is arguably one of the greatest works ever told, a story of the great battle for humanity, told through the heroic deeds of Helen, Paris, Achilles, Patroclus, Andromache, Hector, King Priam and Queen Hecuba as they live through the siege in the last days of the Trojan War.