This year, the comedic mini-opera on tour is “The Elixir of Love” by Gaetano Donizetti, which tells the story of Nemorino, a timid young waiter who lacks money, confidence and hope.
Chapter LO has been a part of the Eureka community since it was organized in 1947. The group meets once a month for a short business meeting followed by a program and lunch.
Local youth will again lead a climate march and rally at the Arcata Plaza today, joining Fridays for Future a global climate strike inspired by the actions of young Swedish activist Greta Thunburg.
With poetry plastered on public walls and posted in Arcata storefronts, many local writing contests and an official poet laureate for the City of Eureka, it's clear that Humboldt has a robust community of writers () and Heather Quarles a local writer and highschool teacher feels that the commu