Montana dive bars. They're not everyone's cup of tea but they're certainly my cup of tea. Dare I say that dive bars define the locality of a town? Not sure. I just know that I love them as do many a Montanan. A few of the best have left us, but here's a list of what locals had to say when asked about their favorite dive bar in Montana.
Montana dive bars. They're not everyone's cup of tea but they're certainly my cup of tea. Dare I say that dive bars define the locality of a town? Not sure. I just know that I love them as do many a Montanan. A few of the best have left us, but here's a list of what locals had to say when asked about their favorite dive bar in Montana.
Montana dive bars. They're not everyone's cup of tea but they're certainly my cup of tea. Dare I say that dive bars define the locality of a town? Not sure. I just know that I love them as do many a Montanan. A few of the best have left us, but here's a list of what locals had to say when asked about their favorite dive bar in Montana.
What is designed to be a great tool to see snow removal progress across Bozeman has become an unexpected moment of Zen when I need a break. There's an online map that lets you view the most recent activity of the City of Bozeman snow removal crews.