Two new initiatives to support people arriving at Emergency Departments and leaving hospitals
New Active Recovery Teams in ten hospitals to provide link between hospitals and community organisations
New peer support workers at Fiona Stanley Hospital Emergency Department to help new patients
Mental Health Minister Roger Cook has announced two new initiatives to deliver better recovery opportunities for people experiencing mental health and alcohol and other drug issues.
Both initiatives are a first for Western Australia in line with the McGowan Government’s ongoing commitment to provide more wraparound care in hospitals and the community.
In the first initiative, Active Recovery Teams (ART) are being established in ten metropolitan and regional locations.
Former Health Minister and Attorney General Jim McGinty to lead new taskforce
Taskforce to oversee development of future purpose-fit mental health services
Focus on needs of mental health consumers requiring acute care, treatment and rehabilitation, and forensic mental health services
A taskforce of seven public sector leaders will be established to inform the McGowan Government’s planning and investment decisions regarding the Graylands Hospital site, forensics services and the nearby Selby Older Adult Mental Health Service.
The work will align with the WA Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025, which highlighted the need for these services to be decommissioned, divested and replaced with contemporary infrastructure and services.
Mr Howard was jailed for fraud regarding invoices to the North Metropolitan Health Service
His conviction led to recent action under WA building registration laws
State Administrative Tribunal issued a reprimand and an order to pay costs
A former builder has faced disciplinary action under WA’s building registration laws after being convicted of fraud over misuse of North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS) funds.
Liam Glenn Howard (BP100687/BC100905, expired), of Howzat Constructions Pty Ltd, was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment in June 2020 after pleading guilty to 18 charges of gaining benefit by fraud.
The fraud offences related to inflated invoices submitted by Mr Howard to the NMHS in 2015. Evidence presented at the District Court revealed that the surplus money funded building work carried out by Howzat Constructions at private homes linked to a senior NMHS staff member.