Safe workspaces are more than just hard hats, leather gloves and steel-toed boots.
They also include effective communication, appropriate boundaries, trust and cultural awareness. Some factors to consider are gender, the organizational hierarchy and age.
"Age could be a factor as some people refuse to take orders from folks that are young," said Adam Gerson, compliance assistance specialist with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Boise Area Office.
Christmas for All's referring partners are Kootenai County's unsung heroes who walk alongside their clients to support them. They refer their clients to Charity Reimagined for specific assistance from Christmas for All, this newspaper's holiday charity campaign that through the great generosity of our readers helps recipients throughout the year.
The community is invited to learn more about the various apprenticeship programs offered through the North Idaho College Workforce Training Center at an open house next week.
The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 10, at NIC’s Parker Technical Education Center in Rathdrum. More than 10 regional trade employers will be on-hand to meet with job seekers and potential apprentices.
The community is invited to learn about the various apprenticeship programs offered through the North Idaho College Workforce Training Center at an open house from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10 at NIC’s Parker Technical Education Center, 7064 W. Lancaster Road, Rathdrum.
North Idaho College Workforce Training Center is piloting a new Trades Pre-Apprenticeship program that gives high schoolers a chance to see firsthand if it is the right path for them.