You can attend and provide Public Comment by calling. Enter webinar id, 830. And dwen, sf gov. Tv is broadcast anding streaming the number. To block your number, dial star 9 which is equivalent of raising your hand. You will have three minutes depending on the length of the agenda and public speakers. 30 seconds before your time is up. If any of the participants are attendees need disability accommodation. You can make a request to legal system or send an email to board of appeals. Now the chat function cannot be used to provide Public Comment or opinions. Please note that we will take Public Comment from those physically present. Now we will answer in and affirm all those who intend to testify. Please note that any member of the public may asked to speak. If you intend to testify at any of the proceedings and wish the board to give weight, raise your right hand and say i do after youve been sworn in or affirmed. Do you swear that the testimony youre about to give is the truth the whol
You can attend and provide Public Comment by calling. Enter webinar id, 830. And dwen, sf gov. Tv is broadcast anding streaming the number. To block your number, dial star 9 which is equivalent of raising your hand. You will have three minutes depending on the length of the agenda and public speakers. 30 seconds before your time is up. If any of the participants are attendees need disability accommodation. You can make a request to legal system or send an email to board of appeals. Now the chat function cannot be used to provide Public Comment or opinions. Please note that we will take Public Comment from those physically present. Now we will answer in and affirm all those who intend to testify. Please note that any member of the public may asked to speak. If you intend to testify at any of the proceedings and wish the board to give weight, raise your right hand and say i do after youve been sworn in or affirmed. Do you swear that the testimony youre about to give is the truth the whol
Commissioner rothschild and we have quorum also for the record, we have director of Culture Affairs Ralph Remington, director of cultural affairs. And others. Great. Do we have any agenda changes . No. Great. So, now for Public Meetings id like to welcome to attend at city hall this meeting is ar live on sfgovtv to channel 78. I want to remind us of the progrand Public Meetings were bound do cover the structure and adhere to the best practices and every Public Meetings an opportunity for general Public Comment where members my comment on my item pertaining this this body Public Comment will be inperson with Remote Access for ada xoomgs we ask you keep your Public Comment on the topic each is limited to 3 minutes per speaker and understand that the committee didnt contribute dialogue towards comments and any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electronic device. The fourth floor has a womens restroom and all joined room on th
Ton with Public Comment and Jeanine Young Senior Health inspector with to baca motor vehicling public with Public Health. The board request you silence all phones and electronics so they will in the disturg proceedings no eating or drinking. Appellates permit holders and respondents begin 7 minutes to present and low minutes rebuttal. People affiliated with them must include comments within those periods. Members not afill i didnt individual 3 minutes time may be limited to 2 minute fist the agenda is long or a lot of speakers. Our legal assistant will give you a verbal warning 30 seconds before your time is up. 4 votes are needed grant a request. If you have i rehearing or schedules e mill the board staff. Public access and participation are of americans. Sfgovtv is broadcast and streaming live and we will have the 8 to receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. Sfgovtv is providing closed captioning. To watch it on tv go to channel 78. Tell be rebroadcast on fridays a 4 p. M
Market and they already took those away with you replacing them this is outrageous. I hope may be next meeting you will have somebody from mta come and jeff tumlin come and explain why than i to being away blue zones and not requesting than i had a committee that takes them away and than i have another committee they need the blue zone color code committee, which is going to meet on december 6 and you know put him in. This is really unfair discrimination against people who need the blue zone and you need to call mta and have them accountable for this action. Thats when i wanted say. Im going to call the sunshine ordinance and see if you are in violation of the sunshine ordinance about Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Are there any Public Comment at this time . I dont see anybody else who would like to comment at this time. Im going to close the Public Comment. And we going to item 11, information. Item. Council members comments or announcements. Going to go throug