WEST FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Area Nurses invited to opening reception: “Salute to Nursing: Answering the Call” on Friday, May 7th at Bonanzaville USA from 5pm to 8pm.
Beth Jansen, Bonanzaville Executive Director said to honor our nurses, Bonanzaville will host a private exhibit opening and reception which highlights the history of nursing in Fargo. She said Fargo and North Dakota Nursing history represents a significant chapter in the establishment and impressive growth of modern nursing. While often in the background, nurses are a constant and essential presence in the medical field. All area nurses are welcome! Hors d’oeuvres will be provided by Deb’s Corner Foods & Catering, and beverage service is provided by Bordertown Bar & Grill.
SB 2198 would help the state retain recent nursing graduates. Written By: Jenna Webster | 4:00 pm, Feb. 12, 2021
NORTH DAKOTA A bipartisan bill in the North Dakota State Senate is asking for $400,000 to create a Statewide Nursing Staffing Clearinghouse to help fight chronic staffing shortages throughout the state.
Senate Bill 2198 would use the Clearinghouse to provide career services to North Dakota Nursing graduates connecting them with employers throughout the state. The North Dakota Center for Nursing hopes that by connecting recent graduates and local employers the state may be able to retain more nurses post-graduation.
This bill is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee.