any difference. you can certainly understand why your critics say, why didn t he come forward before? why is he making a profit on this now? you know, it has it has nothing to do with making a profit. it has everything to do with making sure that the constitutional responsibilities that are accorded the different branches of government are carried out the right way. reporter: now, bolton isn t ruling out that he could still testify and tonight, we know that top democrats are seriously considering whether they should subpoena him. democratic chairman adam schiff, who led the impeachment trial, saying that the public needs to know exactly what they have in this president. david? all right, mary bruce. good to you have on a monday night. we re going to turn now to that shark attack. a 16-year-old boy surviving the terrifying attack in north carolina. here s adrienne bankert. reporter: tonight, the terrifying images. some 40 puncture wounds from a shark attack on a teenager,
survivor, once again beating the odds. a beaming smile from paige winter, showing off her new prosthetic leg, wearing those rainbow glitter shoes. her family and friends all there to welcome her home. tonight, the 17-year-old is out of the hospital a full month after she went in, following that shark attack while she was swimming at a north carolina beach. the deepest i got was, like, waist deep. and then i got pulled under water. reporter: the shark, pulling paige under. so i reach down underwater, and i try to, like, pry it off of me. reporter: her dad, coming to the rescue, fighting the shark until it released paige. is she awake and breathing? if she is, she s barely. she s in bad shape. i mean, her leg is almost gone. reporter: her hands badly injured. doctors forced to amputate her left leg. but despite it all, paige told our robin roberts she wasn t giving up. i m gonna be okay. i m gonna do all that stuff again. it s okay. a shark didn t touch your spirit. i
and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? otezla. show more of you. ready to treat differently with a pill? imagine if we we would be such good friends. best friends. advantage ii, kills fleas through contact all month long. i mean he s a wreck without me. advantage ii, fight the misery of biting fleas. we turn next tonight to the horrible shark attack off a north carolina beach. a 17-year-old girl was badly injured and likely saved by her own father. abc s gio benitez is in north carolina. reporter: tonight, we are hearing the frightening 911 calls after a shark attacked 17-year-old paige winter at a packed north carolina beach. there has been a shark attack. there s somebody in the water bleeding. reporter: the attack happening sunday at midday near atlantic beach. is she awake and breathing? if she is, she s barely. she s in bad shape.
welcome back, a north carolina teenager is recovering in the hospital this morning after she was bitten by a shark. authorities say 17-year-old page winter was swimming off atlantic beach sunday when she was attacked by a shark. she was air lifted to a hospital in greenville, north carolina. she was treated for deep lacerations to her legs, pelvis and hands. the teen is now listed in good condition. always uncomfortable hearing those stories, especially summer time, more people on the beach and more shark attacks. president trump fighting controversy as he visits the uk, hear what he said about the mayor of london and a member of the royal family when we come back.
very different in terms of how to position yourself. someone like kamala harris has a chance this this state to really make a big show, and so this convention is actually more than appealing to the left. it s dealing with a major decision maker in the democratic primary. we were showing you john hickenlooper who was booed for saying socialism is not the answer. i thought it was interesting. you have the president of the united states, republican, who is basically manipulating inside the american economy picking winners and losers. and i was like, wait a minute, which party are we talking about with socialism here, i m confused sometimes. absolutely, and in many ways, the president is quite radical how he deals with the economy, the democrats look moderate in comparison. the white house will try to paint the democrats. julian, nice to see you this monday morning. 42 minutes past the hour, a shark attack at a north carolina beach. we ve got those details next. johnson & johnson is