New and slick and shiny objects are attractive in their gloss, but need time to develop depth and spirit. This is true for places as well as people. Much of Florida is too newly minted to have this patina, so if we value character, we need to stop demolishing and paving over our older neighborhoods.
Mekhi Cummings will enter first grade at a new school in August now that Just Elementary is closed for the foreseeable future. He doesn’t know how he will like riding the bus. His new teachers will find “that I’m good at writing and stuff,” the 6-year-old said. The goal, for district leaders, is to provide Mekhi and his schoolmates with a better education than they had at Just, an .
10 Investigates found long before board members approved the plan from Hillsborough County Superintendent Addison Davis, closure was already in the works.