This week, Mountain View Mayor Alison Hicks describes the transformative power of the Shoreline Regional Park District, and how more sustainable development in North Bayshore can benefit from future investment.
A 153-acre, mixed-use neighborhood is coming to the North Bayshore area of Mountain View after the city council June 13 unanimously adopted the Google North Bayshore Master Plan, the largest
The Mountain View City Council approved a request for bonus density from an office developer in North Bayshore, despite some initial hesitation around the fact that the project doesn’t include housing.
Google recently cut the number of affordable homes it will build in Mountain View’s North Bayshore neighborhood by 25%, amounting to 350 fewer units than the tech company pledged in past versions of the plan.
In Mountain View, 2022 was about getting back to business on some of the pre-pandemic issues the housing crisis, homelessness and income disparities that were only exacerbated and magnified during the previous two years.