The Russo-Ukrainian War is a conflict that exposes the deep chasms on what self-proclaimed internationalists perceive as internationalism, what self-proclaimed anti-imperialists perceive as anti-imperialism, and even what self-proclaimed socialists perceive as socialism. Many organizations of the “anti-war left” in the West have taken a route of intellectual laziness, frequently regurgitating Russian state narratives directly from the Kremlin as they are most convenient to counter Western state narratives.
A public call to ban The Grayzone by a UK Foreign Office veteran and psy-ops specialist confirms the malign intentions of British intelligence.The Arvamusfestival (Opinion Festival) convened this August by the Estonian Foreign Ministry featured as its centerpiece an English-language panel on “how to deal with misinformation…in the interests o
By Jesús Calero Vienna, Oct 21 (EFE).- A group of pro-Ukraine activists have set up a social media account under the name the North Atlantic Fellas Organization to fight against Russian propaganda and fundraise for Ukraine. The platform, whose acronym NAFO is a satirical twist on the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, or NATO, is battling …
NAFO has shed light on new methods for countering state-sponsored disinformation, highlighting the importance of assembling and backing online movements seeking to set the message straight in the cyber world.