The North Adams, Massachusetts City Council heard an update on its search for a new city clerk as well as a proposed code of conduct for city officials at its meeting this week.
WAM Theatre joins the Berkshire Community in celebrating Pride Month with a Fresh Takes Play Reading of Bright Half Life by Pulitzer Prize and Emmy Nominated writer Tanya Barfield (The Call, Blue Door). The play is directed by Gina Kaufmann (Professor of Performance and Directing at University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and will be presented on Sunday, June 5, at 2pm at MASS MoCA in North Adams. Tickets are on sale now. This reading is being presented as part of Berkshire County’s annual LGBTQ+ Pride celebration in partnership with Berkshire Stonewall Community Coalition and MASS MoCA.
According to municipal leaders from around the Berkshires and the state, it seems the supply of trained, experienced town professionals is running mighty low. When Clarksburg lost three town employees,