The story has connected with the community, "I've had audience members giving me hugs, sharing about either autistic family members or autistic people who tell me how much it meant to them."
April 23, 2021
DULUTH, Minn.-The Duluth Playhouse will welcome audiences back inside the NorShor Theatre Thursday, April 29 for “Dancing Queens: The Music of ABBA’s Mamma Mia.” It’s the first performance at the theatre in over a year due to the pandemic.
Each performance has been limited to a seating capacity of 25 percent and all seat groupings are socially distanced apart from each other by six-feet. Patrons are required to wear facial masks upon entry into the NorShor Theatre and throughout the performance. To help keep contact between patrons, ushers and staff to a minimum, tickets will be sent by email and digital playbills will be available for viewing by scanning a QR code on one’s phone. All seats, doors, and high-traffic touch areas will also be thoroughly sanitized after each performance.