"Freshwater," a new documentary focused on Lake Superior and its surfing community on the North Shore, as well as the larger environmental impacts on the lake, is set to premiere in Duluth on Feb. 19.
"Freshwater," a new documentary focused on Lake Superior and its surfing community on the North Shore, as well as the larger environmental impacts on the lake, is set to premiere in Duluth on Feb. 19.
"Freshwater," a new documentary focused on Lake Superior and its surfing community on the North Shore, as well as the larger environmental impacts on the lake, is set to premiere in Duluth on Feb. 19.
"Freshwater," a new documentary focused on Lake Superior and its surfing community on the North Shore, as well as the larger environmental impacts on the lake, is set to premiere in Duluth on Feb. 19.
"Freshwater," a new documentary focused on Lake Superior and its surfing community on the North Shore, as well as the larger environmental impacts on the lake, is set to premiere in Duluth on Feb. 19.