The Board of Regents announced Bonita Brown as Northern Kentucky University’s interim president and discussed presentations on restructuring the College of Informatics, strategically planning University Housing and updating the Reposition Plan at their Jan. 18 meeting. Taking place in the Student Union ballroom and livestreamed, the meeting saw many previously undisclosed details. The Joint Finance.
Some students living on campus received a rattling Christmas-day email from housing stating their residence hall had experienced flooding from burst water pipes. On the days leading up to Dec. 25, Northern Kentucky experienced single digit temperatures, wind chill below zero and winds of up to 40 miles per hour. Two residence halls were impacted.
NKU Housing has implemented some significant changes to the residential experience in preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year. One of the most impactful changes, Director of University Housing Scott Patton explained, is the separation of upper division and first year students. Kentucky Hall, Commonwealth Hall and New Residence Hall will be available only to freshmen..